Logo Artwork used with permission of Greer Design Studios and Greer Designs Cafe Press.  Thank you Greer!
"At the end of every leash is a best friend..."
P L E A S E    P R A Y    F O R    B A B Y    B I T Z I !

Baby Bitzi is a 9 week old puppy weighing a tiny 2.6 lbs. and she is in critical condition. She arrived Friday and her little heart sounds as if it's going to pound right out of her tiny chest.... it is working over time just to keep her alive. She is very weak and is scheduled for emergency surgery in Tampa on Monday, September 21, 2009. HER SURGERY IS EXPENSIVE AND WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Baby Bitzi is suffering from PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus). A patent ductus arteriosus is a normal structure found in an unborn dog however, by the third day after birth it usually closes. Baby Bitzi's didn't! This condition can result in heart failure. Corrective surgery must be done before permanent heart damage occurs. Surgery will repair her heart almost immediately and give her the ability to live a long and healthy life. After her surgery and recovery, she will be put up for adoption. She is currently in the Tampa area.
Please click onto the DONATE button to make a Paypal Donation
You can also send a check directly to the Heart Surgeon (Dr. Hay) at:
VSS (make checks payable to: Veterinary Surgical Services) 
7512 Paula Drive #103, Tampa, Florida  33615
Attention: Sharon
(reference Baby Bitzi or Florida Yorkie Rescue on the check)
Please click onto the
DONATE button to make a Paypal Donation

"Saving one dog may not change the world,
but surely the world will change for that one dog."
- Author unknown
Click here for longer verson of song by Don Moen
9/18/09 ~ Baby Bitzi arrives safe and sound into rescue and with her new Foster Mom Sherry. She ate a good little dinner and fell fast asleep.

9/19/09 ~ Baby Bitzi is resting comfortably. She is being kept in isolation. She is very weak but seems stable. We thank you all for your continued prayers.

9/20/09 ~ Baby Bitzi is still doing well considering her situation. She is eating and that is always a good sign. Her Veterinarian appointment is tomorrow. Keep praying.

9/21/09 ~ Vet examined Baby Bitzi today and did some pre-surgical testing. He has determined that she definitely has P.D.A.  Bitzi will stay in the hospital until her surgery, which is scheduled for Tues. or Wed. Vet said her enlarged heart will shrink back down to normal within 3-4 weeks and she will have an expected normal lifespan.

9/22/09 ~ Bitzi had her heart surgery today and she made is through just fine. The vet is cautiously optimistic. She will remain in the hospital for several more days and it will take about a month for her heart to shrink back to its normal size. The next 24 hours will be critical. Please keep praying for our Baby Bitzi.

9/25/09 ~ Bitzi is home! Horray for her! If you click the images to the left, you can enlarge them. She has some nasty looking incisions and many stitches, but when her coat grows back in, you'll never know she had surgery. She is feeling so amazingly well... wants to play and doesn't like the idea of resting for 3-4 weeks. It will take some work to keep this little girl quiet. This is probably the best she has ever felt in her short little life.  Many thanks for the many prayers and donations that are coming in. Her surgery was expensive, so if you can donate even the smallest amount, we would be so appreciative. We are no where close to being able to pay her whole Vet bill.

10/5/09 ~ Well Bitzi is developing into a vibrant, active and NORMAL little yorkie puppy. She continues to grow stronger every day and more active as well. It is so obvious to all of us that she feels GREAT! Everyone here at Florida Yorkie Rescue are so HAPPY for Bitzi. Now we just need to find her a new "fur-ever" home. If you are interested, please fill out an online adoption application. Applications are being reviewed at this time.

10/10/09 ~ Bitzi's hair is growing back. See the new adorable pictures of her to the left. We'll know when she can be adopted after her next Vet check-up appointment. She should be ready to go soon.

Click here for more pictures of Baby Bitzi

Two pictures directly above were taken on Friday, October 9th.